Stereo & Immersive Media 2018 — Photography and Sound Research
Final Programme for 2018 S&I Media Conferece is already available!
This year we will have a nineteenth-century inspired daguerreotype studio. You will be able to witness this amazing process and take the result home with you!
As in our previous edition, there will also be 3D film screenings! Edgar Pêra, Esther Jacopin and Florent Médina are some of the experimental 3D cinema directors S&I Media will feature. You will also be able to talk with the directors in the end of the screening session’s debate.
We planned a visit to the Museum of Mechanical Music, next to Lisbon, which has a collection of more than 600 sound and musical items that move exclusively through mechanical systems from the late 1800s to the 1930s. In 2017, the Museum was awarded the Visitable Colection and Best Website Awards by the Portuguese Museology Association. Visitable Colection Award distinguishes “public or private spaces, with the presentation of a set of cultural goods that follows all the standards of communication, security and conservation”.
You can check all the Programme details here.
Imersivo | Immersive
S&I Media 2018 Exhibition
Curators: Victor dos Reis and Rogério Taveira
Venue: Fine Arts Society, Lisbon
Dates: 29 June to 21 July
We are glad to announce the six projects selected for our very first exhibition Imersivo | Immersive:
Daydream Nation, Sandra Zuzarte Ferreira
This multimedia installation, created after Gerhard Richter’s work, suggests the deconstruction of a stereoscopic visualization process and a reflection on the act of seeing itself, while evoking the Schrödinger’s paradox to illustrate the creation of ghosts and simulacra.
Wandering Gaze, Ana Teresa Vicente
This project explores the relation established between the observer’s gaze and a certain image. Through the use of eye-tracking technology, this interactive installation suggests the suspension of gravity by a hidden force through the experience of a prosthetic gaze that pierces the observed object.
Passagem, Ana Catarina Teixeira
With this work, the artist seeks an approach to sleep, creating interactions between the concepts of vulnerability and human existence. This sound installation reflects on sleep as a verge state between two worlds and falling asleep as the moment of exterior absence, evoking the threshold between life and death.
Eccentric Spaces, Águeda Simó
This video installation explores the plasticity of stereo depth and its immersive qualities. Stereo depth can be manipulated to create eccentric dimensions and reveal hidden worlds that only exist inside the stereoscopic projections.
Atmosmancy, Ivo Louro
Atmosmancy is an immersive sound installation that explores the sonification of environmental data on climate changes and atmosphere pollution in Portugal. Atmosmancy transforms this monitored and projected data into corresponding sound streams, spatializing them via 10 audio speakers.
Her Fears / Her Dreams, Jennifer Crane
Series of stereoscopic photographs (7”x 3” archival pigment prints) based on historical views of western Canada and on the photographic archives of William Notman, who owned and operated one of the largest photographic studios in Canada during the nineteenth century.