Call for Contributions/Submissions
Field/Works. Kaleidoscopic activities between anthropology and art
2020 Location: Online
2021 Location: Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon
We seek contributions – projects in any medium – for inclusion in the first ANTART Network Exhibition at EASA: “Field/Works: kaleidoscopic activities between anthropology and art.”
For anthropologists and artists “doing fieldwork” in contemporary worlds, art can be much more than an object of investigation. As sources of enrichment for anthropological practices, our diverse engagements with art are generating work that incorporates and combines research methods and ‘outcomes’.
Curation and creation through visual, audio, or performing arts are at the heart of our academic work, extending the established anthropological interest in writing as a medium of thought and knowledge sharing. The kaleidoscopic presentation of art practices that now overlap and relate to fieldwork in its varied manifestations demonstrates the diversity and aesthetic complexity of these gestures, which are increasingly seen as essential to anthropological knowledge. Access to other people’s worlds is always a half-way encounter, a transformative and creative experience that can be accounted for and retold in various ways. We aim to explore new meeting grounds together. In addressing the theme of “field/works” for this exhibition, we encourage submissions from anthropologists and artists whose work breaks disciplinary boundaries, especially between visual arts, performance and sound, and whose practice foregrounds interdisciplinary, experimental, and open approaches. Work exhibited online in 2020 should take account of the prospect of a “physical” exhibition in 2021, with the possibility to further develop the work in the interval between 2020 and 2021.
The exhibition is a ‘para-site’ installation in relation to, and supported by, the EASA2020 online conference and its subsequent meetings in Lisbon in 2021. The Field/Works exhibition will be accompanied by a catalogue, published in print as well as in open access.
The objective of the ANTART Network is to advance the scholarship, discussion, and presence of anthropological approaches to the arts and of artistic approaches to anthropology. It seeks to build on its existing network of scholars, artists, and institutions to continue its exchanges with cultural production venues, thus building links between the university and other public or civil society initiatives. The Anthropology and the Arts network aims to attract researchers working in and with the arts including but also beyond visual media, including the performative arts, music and sound, theatre, design, architecture, etc.
Members of the curatorial committee: Anna Laine (ANTART), Jen Clarke (ANTART, Gray’s School of Art, RGU, Aberdeen), Fernando Dias (FBAUL), Jorge dos Reis (FBAUL), Maxime Le Calvé (ANTART, HU Berlin).
Submission Format and Guidelines
Format guidelines:
Please compile the following information requested into a single Word (.docx or .doc) document (MAX 10 pages). All moving work should be included as a URL link (to a Vimeo or YouTube, for example). You may attach a maximum of 6 images as jpgs. Do not send a PowerPoint please.
- Title
- Artist’s statement about the work/project (max 200 words)
- (Maximum of) 3 digital images that relate to your proposal, embedded into the document. These can also be attached to the email as a jpg. These may be of the actual work you’d like to exhibit online, or relate to a proposed performance/ activity, to be recorded and made public on the digital platform in July. The proposal for the online exhibition in 2020 should bear in mind the planned physical-format exhibition in 2021 – the selection panel will prioritise proposals that attend to how the work might develop in the interval.
- (Maximum of) 3 digital images of previous work
- Your contact details (email and a phone number)
- Short biographical statement (50-100 words)
- Current short CV (3 pages max)
- Link to websites if necessary, e.g. vimeo/youtube/your own website for video/film works
- Technical information and a proposed design etc. for online exhibition of your work 2020
- Technical information and a proposal for installation of your work for 2021 (details for installation, e.g. measurements, dimensions, technical requirements such as audio visual, etc.). Please note that the foreseen space for the exhibition – the antique cistern of this beautiful historical site – is accessible only through a narrow door and a narrow staircase (more information can be retrieved on request.)
Funding is regrettably limited; however, we will provide a one-off artist fee of 150 euro for each participating artist.
As it stands, further funding will unfortunately not be available to support the development of works, shipping/delivery, or insurance for the physical exhibition, so the artworks will be under the responsibility of their makers/authors. However, we plan to have an invigilator on site for the duration of the exhibition.
Dates of the exhibition and events
EASA conference will take place online 21-24 July 2020. TheExhibition will be made public online shortly before this date.
A further development of the exhibition will be curated in the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon in 2021. It will be jointly organised together with an EASA event with panel discussions. Given the current uncertainties, we can only give you an approximation of the dates of this expected event, around September).
Send submissions and queries directly to:
Selections will be made by the curators of the exhibitions, together with a board of faculty members of FBAUL. We encourage proposals working across different media, including audio visual and performative field/works, as well as two-dimensional visual work.
All applicants will be notified about the status of their submission by 05 June 2020.
Short version of the call:
“Field/Works. Kaleidoscopic activities between anthropology and art”
For anthropologists and artists “doing fieldwork” in contemporary worlds, art can be much more than an object of investigation. Curation and creation through visual, audio, or performing arts are at the heart of our work, extending the established anthropological interest in writing as a medium of thought and knowledge sharing. This call addresses the theme of “field/works”, and encourages submissions from anthropologists and artists whose work breaks disciplinary boundaries, and whose practice foregrounds experimental, and open approaches.