1st edition of the crowdfunding project by belas-artes was a success!
25 OUTUBRO > 31 DEZEMBRO 2016 | belas-artes ulisboa
The crowdfunding project “Apoie o Restauro” (Support the Restore) developed within the celebrations of the 180 years of the Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa was a success, thanks to the interest and support of institutions and individuals, in the heritage of the Faculty.
From the seven artworks proposed to intervention, three will be restored:
- The engraving “Descida da Cruz” by Francesco Bartolozzi;
- The drawing “Alçado do Monumento em memória de Sua Majestade Imperial o Sr. Duque de Bragança, dador e restaurador da Carta Constitucional e da Liberdade da Nação Portuguesa”, (1842) by João Pedro Monteiro;
- The painting “Au Soir” (1903) by Artur Alves Cardoso.
Álvaro Tição
Ana Paula Carreira
Carmen Figueiredo
Cristina Pedreño
Eduardo Duarte
Elisabete Oliveira
José Costa
Maria Helena Hurtado
Maria João Emaúz
Maria Lucília Ascensão
Maria Martins
Maria Nunes
Rafael Almeida
Sérgio Matos
And a special thanks to the Fundação Millennium BCP.