téras — daphne klagkou exhibition
τέρας (téras)/ monstrum/ monster
Opening day 10th of September 17:00-21:00
Closing day 28 of September
In téras exhibition the artist Daphne Klagkou introduces us to her world of hybrid artworks and monstrous realities , created by both traditional and contemporary means. Ceramic and glass pieces are brought into existence aided by contemporary materials, hiding messages and interpretations as they seek their place into today’s world. Ancient Greek symbols and mythology have exerted significant influence on Western civilization. Not only have they been preserved, but they have also evolved to acquire new meanings.
As a Greek artist, Daphne has witnessed firsthand the complicated dynamics of today’s Greek society with these symbols, its identity issues, and the relations with the rest of the West. The intricate connections and forces that have contributed to shaping our present understanding have resulted in a transition of symbols and the creation of new imagery with different purposes.
The term “τέρας” (monster) is intertwined with numerous symbols and myths dating back to ancient times, transforming into folklore that persists in contemporary contexts. The associations with it can provide insights of present-day social, political and human issues. Monsters have been created with the beginning of civilization and the pursuit of understanding their essence has been an enduring intellectual quest throughout history. Today, we find ourselves compelled to once again question what defines a monster and ponder on our own way of thinking.